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Upcoming Events

Stated meetings in 2024:

Calendar being developed.

Saturday, 19 October, at 1:00 p.m.: annual conferral of the degrees; at Jefferson Park Masonic Temple, located at 5418 West Gale Street, Chicago. RSVP to Jack M. Recinto, EPC, Scribe. Dinner will follow, at a location TBA. Get your candidate nominations in to the Scribe so we can vote on them in June and confer the degrees on them in October. Cousins only.

Wednesday, 4 December, at 7:00 p.m.: annual meeting, election and installation of officers; at a location TBA. RSVP to Jack M. Recinto, EPC, Scribe. Cousins only.

Friday, 7 February 2025, at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern): Grand Council Annual Meeting, election and installation of officers; in conjunction with Masonic Week, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. Click here for more information about Masonic Week. The meeting itself is for cousins only, but there are meals and other events at which our ladies are welcome.

Degree Work:

Saturday, 19 October, at 1:00 p.m.: annual conferral of the degrees; at Jefferson Park Masonic Temple, located at 5418 West Gale Street, Chicago. RSVP to Jack M. Recinto, EPC, Assistant Scribe. Get your candidate nominations in to the Scribe so we can vote on them in June and confer the degrees on them in October. Dinner will follow, at a location TBA. Cousins only.

Our degree work has improved steadily over the last years; we have degree team leaders in place. They will be filling out their casts.

Click here for a nomination form.


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This site was last updated 09/23/24