Assisting the York Rite
On Saturday, 31 May, Illinois York Rite College No. 15 assisted
Mizpah Commandery No. 53
during their chivalric festival. We exemplified the
Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and
the Order of Malta.
Mizpah Commandery then conferred the
Order of the Temple.
Click here to read more.
On 10 May 2014, Illinois York Rite College No. 15 assisted the grand York Rite bodies of Illinois
to host a York Rite festival in Glenview, during which all
capitular and
cryptic degrees and
chivalric orders were exemplified.
The event was a rousing success. Thanks to all companions who participated.
Society of Past Masters team needs your help
Our Society of Past Masters team recently and reluctantly cancelled a scheduled presentation. Unfortunately,
due to different circumstances, four members of our team had to cancel … something from which we could not
recover as we currently only have two alternate cast members.
Our current team has built a significant feeling of camaraderie through our presentations thus far … we are
having a great time working together as a team. It is enjoyable work as we know our objectives are viable
and well worth the time we dedicate to seeing them done with enthusiasm; so it is not tedium by any stretch.
What we are working toward: We have defined a key brand niche of the York Rite College as demonstrating the
innovative and creative excellence of the members of our College through such programs. This underscores the
need for more members of our college to actively volunteer participation in near term future activities as
we have two current presentations and possibly one, two, or more we are working toward in the near future.
Working together as a team builds camaraderie and is one of the building blocks of fraternalism; that for
which many of us joined Masonry in the first place. Please reflect on these things and consider volunteering
some of your time to one of our cutting edge initiatives.